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Showing posts from 2010


The paradigm is fine while it lasts, but what happens when it breaks down? Do you then do as per what you learnt in the paradigm, or do you change? But how exactly do you change - the paradigm has defined yourself, including your knowledge to change. What about the time when external reality has no internal reference? Is it still reality then? what if there's no going back to the old paradigm - will you still survive, in hiding or otherwise, or will you rise and morph, change, transform, transcend yourself, in an attempt to survive... or will you transform the external force, thereby acting as the driving force in the paradigm shift that you were so afraid to be exposed to. Is this exposition called adaptation or evolution.... or is it shaking hands with the devil? For the latter at least, you must have known what you call the devil to now reconcile with it. Most of us do, but then most of us are far far off the mark with reality. Yes, the same reality that varies from me to you, b

One of these days

Long silky hair.... albino white.... ripped abs.... flexed biceps.... untrembling hands.... that look of raw intensity in the eyes.... axe in hand.... blood on face, hands, clothes.... the blinding lights.... the deafening silence.... the careless beauty in the inanimate eyes.... the face of horror and satisfaction.... the mirth of breaking even.... long, long silence........................... regret The inaudible scream of the butterfly. please wake me up, mother.......... please put me to sleep

The observer - I

It would seem as if diversification is the key to relative happiness; when you got nothing to lose then baby you’ve got it all? Why is it then, that we are constantly driven by vertical goals, every now and then at least? There comes a point in your life (every now and then at least) when you’ve expended yourself sufficiently to be reasonably reluctant of playing out the remainder of your cards too, if there are any left. Solitude helps, but not explicitly. Solitude kills, but comfortably. Maybe you rise after that, maybe you fall deeper. Hopefully, you reach a point when it doesn’t matter, and either outcome leads to the same singularity. That is the dream. But they say dreamers are very impractical. Time will not tell. Dreamers will continue to dream by the nature of their circumloquacious ontology. That’s their flaw… and their merit. It’s the same.  A sage is not a doctor – the ability to see your own misery guarantees no solution, it might even insulate you from a potential o

An eventful Independence Day!

First of all, I’d like to wish Happy Independence Day to all my readers. Today was a day of a national reconciliation for me (like many other of my compatriots). Yet, the national experience of today has been different than previous ones, towards the worse. Although I am more aware about my country today than I was yesterday, I feel no prouder of my country. The feeling I have today is of disappointment (and not disillusionment, mind you). I still believe in my country and its potential to be the world’s finest, but today, I must criticize it for the state of affairs that pervade it. Incidentally, I watched the movie Peepli Live today, and it left me disappointed and depressed. I already know the current state of India, how it is soiled in corruption, red tape and dirty politics – what I didn’t learn is how can I make a difference… what I, the Common Man of India can do today to ensure a more prosperous tomorrow. The movie had plenty of Masala , its fair share of Profanities (were th

Talk About Feeling (Part 1)

Today is my day of feeling, or in the words of Edward deBono, a day for red hat thinking. Who cares if you’re a guy or a girl, you’re still way different from a monkey or a dolphin, in the sense that you can feel. So might as well make good this liberty, than feel obliged to follow gender rules set about by society, and indeed, self Sometimes I write well, most of the times, it’s not when I want to do so. Occasionally, it’s when people want me to, but it usually is a function of the environment and my mental state (which might be the same thing). Sometimes, I surprise myself with the words that exit my mouth, or manifest through a systematic movement of my fingers. Sometimes, I pride myself at conducting my own symphony, with my mind being the baton, and my fingers the orchestra. Without getting too technical now, I’d like to reveal in this moment of partial liberty, that it is indeed a great feeling to release your feelings, and “be true to self”. Whether it’s the correct thing to

Internal Conversation

It's nothing really. The magnitude seldom, if ever, seeps into the consciousness; the external turmoil is safely padded by layers of rust and fat. I used to love, and hope and fear, and feel the joy in living. Now, I feel nothing. There is a burn, steady and uneasy, but no more than that. I often wonder why it must – actually I don't. The need to conform to a style of writing vaguely nags me, but I endure it, like dozens of others every day. My fear of writing wrong impedes me from writing at all – this must be a writer’s worst nightmare come true; after perhaps the dread of understanding the implications of his own writing. I do believe everything is a piece of a large montage that will eventually add up; but then I have begun to realise it might be beyond human capacity to see it. I cling persistently to the thought that another world exists somewhere and that I wouldn't have to get my hands dirty after all. But it seems only a matter of time now. The more the r


People (one person in particular, hope you're listening lawyer) have often displayed reluctance, even despise in using the three magic words. In keeping with the Valentine's spirit, i've compiled the following lines to remind ourselves of our sweet ol' emotion, in anticipation of a "warmer" tomorrow. I Love you Because love has no reason, no rhyme, no season, no time Because love is blind... and makes the world go round... and round Because love is right, true and beautiful The purest, richest emotion man can feel The ability to love is man's greatest virtue. To be loved, his greatest gift Because love breeds trust and faith, hope and belief Love is.. that whereby men live It engenders the noblest of man's spirit And makes the impossible, possible Because love transcends space and time... And brings people and nations together Love brings happiness and joy to the world The epitome of life and youth Because love is free for all, with no taxes or hidd

Arguments Against the Zeitgeist Philosophy

The following is a letter addressed to the Zeitgeist Movement, pointing out some of its conceptual flaws and practical shortcomings this is not a challenge nor a debate, but a discussion. i am, in essence, in support of your ideals and your vision. but i find several practical difficulties in implementing your proposed system As a primer, i would like to state the two basic needs of man (animal): survival and procreation an advantage of the monetary system is, it empowers a person, in the sense it, largely, makes an individual responsible for his own survival. the need to earn money partly stems from the need to stay alive and "earn" his next meal or shelter, food, health, education. Also, it provides a competitive environment which helps people push their limits of competence and hence (largely) ensures personal growth. The monetary system is responsible for a reward/punishment form of positive/negative reinforcement to participants of the system, which eventually helps dire